Capital One Settlement: Class Action Lawsuit Payment Date, How to Appeal, Who is Eligible?

This article provides details on the Capital One Settlement: Class Action Lawsuit Payment Date, Appeal Process, and Eligibility Criteria. The settlement addresses the 2019 fraud incident where a hacker gained unauthorized access to Capital One, compromising personal information of customers with credit cards and those who applied for them.

Capital One Settlement

On July 19, 2019, an external hacker breached the access of Capital One’s credit card clients and applicants, gaining unauthorized access to individuals’ personal information. The breach prompted immediate action from Capital One to address the issue, with the FBI subsequently apprehending the perpetrator.

Currently, Capital One is finalizing a settlement that involves direct deposits of funds into beneficiary accounts. Under federal government directives, the bank is mandated to refund approximately $140 million to its 2 million customers, along with additional penalty charges.

The US federal court has preliminarily approved the settlement, allowing for compensation based on the extent of customer losses. For more details on the Capital One Settlement, including payment dates, eligibility criteria, and further information, please continue reading this article.

Class Action Lawsuit Payment Date

The Class Action Lawsuit Payment dates are set to commence on September 28, 2023. This schedule is part of the ongoing claim process already underway. The lawsuit pertains to Amazon Web Services in relation to Capital One’s operations. Participants will receive their settlement from a fund totaling $190 million, along with additional benefits.

Since the lawsuit began on September 28, individuals involved in this lawsuit should verify their payment status. They can do so by visiting the official portal dedicated to the settlement. The settlement portal will indicate the status within 2 to 4 weeks after the deadline for claiming funds, which concludes on November 27, 2023. Eligible applicants will receive a physical check from the authorities.

Who is Eligible?

Customers whose credit card data was compromised during the 2019 incident are eligible for this settlement. They must file a claim to receive funds from the financial institution involved. Eligible recipients must calculate their settlement amount and submit the necessary paperwork by the specified deadline.

Individuals need to confirm their eligibility based on the criteria established by the institution handling their data breach. All affected customers will receive reimbursement along with additional penalties.

How to Appeal?

Individuals eligible for the Capital One settlement can file their appeal by following the steps outlined below:

Step 1: Visit the official class action settlement portal using your web browser.

Step 2: Enter your unique ID and PIN provided in the email from Capital One’s authorities.

Step 3: Complete the form with the required information.

Step 4: Upload supporting documents such as bank statements, invoices, cancelled checks, and any relevant paperwork.

Step 5: After uploading the documentation, submit your claim by clicking the Claim Payment button.

Once these steps are completed, applicants will receive confirmation from the government. Capital One authorities will verify the information provided in your application. Eligible consumers will be reimbursed for their losses as well as penalty penalties if Capital One confirms their claim.

For further information on the lawsuit payment date, individual qualification amounts, eligibility details, and payment methods, individuals can visit the official portal at

How Much Can I Receive From Capital One Settlement?

Each individual can recover up to $25,000 USD for their losses, which includes fraud charges and data security fees. Compensation for lost time exceeding 15 hours will be resolved at a rate of $25 USD per hour. For additional details, please contact the authorities directly.

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