Average Middle Class Income In Canada: Province Wise Average Income News

Canada is renowned for its high quality of life and extensive social assistance programs. Understanding the average Middle Class Income Canada in different provinces provides valuable insights into the financial landscape of Canadians.

Average Middle Class Income in Canada

In Canada, the median income after taxes stands at $66,800, with an average pre-tax income close to $70,000. More than 15% of Canadians earn above this median annually. Whether you’re considering settling in Canada or simply curious about how your income compares, having an understanding of these figures can help you anticipate financial expectations.

In this article, we delve into the nuances of the average middle-class income in Canada, offering insights into provincial variations across the country.

Understanding Middle Class Income in Canada

Based on findings from the Labour Force Survey (LFS), the average annual income in Canada as of October 2023 was approximately $64,850. Known for its high standard of living, political stability, and robust employment opportunities, Canada consistently ranks among the top 20 nations globally in terms of salary competitiveness. These factors collectively make Canada an attractive destination for professionals and top-tier talent from around the globe.

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According to recent government data, the projected national average pay is set to rise by 4.2% in 2023. Notably, Alberta leads among Canada’s most populous provinces with an average income of $57,600 and a median income of $41,300. These figures underscore the resilience of the Canadian economy in the face of external challenges, highlighting sustained economic strength across different regions.

Average Middle Class Income in Canada Overview

Article TitleAverage Middle Class Income in Canada
National Average Pay$57,600
Highest Income Providing ProvinceNunavut and Alberta

Different Income Classes in Canada

It is frequently connected to things such as:

  • Buying a home
  • Owning a car
  • Putting money aside for retirement

Here’s the truth: you can be middle-class even if you don’t have certain things. Being middle-class is about how much money you make, not the lifestyle you lead. Let’s break down what income ranges are considered middle class, upper middle class, and other income levels.

ClassIncome Range
Lower Class$0 – $53,359
Middle Class$53,359 – $106,717
Upper Middle Class$106,717 – $235,675
Upper Class$235,675 and above

Not everyone with a low income is living below the poverty line, but many people in this situation do receive social assistance to help them find jobs and increase their earnings. Even though these assistance programs help with financial support, they are still considered taxable income.

It’s also worth noting that your income level can impact your tax rate. Remember, the income figures mentioned here are before taxes, not what you take home after taxes.

Province Wise Average Income

In the table presented below, you will find the average income listed by province. Take a moment to review this information.

ProvinceAverage middle-Class Income (Household) 2023Average Income  for a Single Person in 2023
British Columbia$67,500$66,232
Prince Edward Island$59,400$46,160
Nova Scotia$57,500$56,550
New Brunswick$56,900$57,336
Newfoundland and Labrador$59,300$52,562
Northwest Territories$127,000$77,900

We trust that this table provides valuable insights for choosing a province to relocate to, based on the minimum income levels offered. It highlights significant variations in average annual incomes across different provinces. Notably, Nunavut stands out with the highest average yearly income among all provinces, while the Northwest Territories lead in terms of median family income.

Canadian Income Percentiles

In Canada, the working population is divided into different income levels, known as income distribution. Where you fall on this scale depends on how much you earn. For instance, if you’re in the 50th percentile, it means that half of people earn more than you, while the other half earn less.

Statistics Canada provides the following information on income levels for different percentiles:

Household Income PercentileAnnual Earnings

Province Wise Income Considerations

The average salary in each province is influenced not only by the cost of living but also by several key factors such as job availability and their corresponding pay scales. Moreover, varying minimum wages across provinces play a crucial role in shaping overall income averages.

Disparities in average earnings across different locations within each province are also noteworthy. This can be attributed to various factors, including specialized industries like mining or unique economic niches not found elsewhere.

Final Discussion

In 2020, specialist physicians emerged as Canada’s highest-paying profession with an average salary of $303,400, according to income data. Across Canada’s provinces and territories, the highest-paying sectors show slight variations.

As of April 1, 2023, Canada’s federal minimum wage rose to $16.65 per hour. Approximately 26,000 Canadian workers earning below this threshold stand to benefit from increased affordability, as noted in a press release from Employment and Social Development Canada.

Each province maintains its specific minimum wage requirements. Should a territory or province set a wage lower than the federal standard, employers are obligated to bridge the gap. Notably, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island (PEI), and Quebec are recognized as among the most affordable provinces to reside in Canada.

We appreciate your interest in our coverage of average middle-class incomes in Canada. We trust this breakdown of provincial income averages will prove valuable to you.


How does the middle-class income vary across Canadian provinces?

Middle-class incomes vary significantly by province. For instance, Alberta’s average is around $77,700, while Nunavut reports an average of $118,000, reflecting regional economic differences.

What income range defines the middle class in Canada?

In Canada, the middle-class income range is between $53,359 and $106,717. This range can differ based on specific provincial economic conditions and cost of living.

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