Ontario Minimum Wage Increase: When will Minimum Wage Increase in 2024?

Explore the details regarding the Ontario Minimum Wage Increase in 2024: When will Minimum Wage Increase? This article provides comprehensive information on the timing and details of the Ontario Minimum Wage Increase for 2024.

Ontario Minimum Wage Increase

The minimum wage is the lowest legally permissible wage that employers can pay to their employees. It applies to most workers, whether they are paid hourly, by piece rate, or a flat rate, and regardless of whether they work casually or full-time/part-time.

Across Canada, minimum wage rates vary among provinces and territories, often adjusted based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). In Ontario, the minimum wage increase took effect on October 1, 2023.

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Minimum Wage in Ontario

As of October 1, 2023, the minimum hourly wage in Ontario has been raised to $16.55. Ontario also includes specialized rates apart from the general minimum wage, which are designated for specific groups of workers.

For details regarding the Minimum Wage increase in Ontario, you can refer to the official website of the Ontario Government or access the minimum wage database.


  • Most workers in Ontario are subject to the general wage rates that are currently in effect.
  • The current amount of $16.55 per hour is the minimum wage that is required for general workers.
  • This rate will be applicable from October 1, 2023, to September 30, 2024.
  • Previously, the rates were $15.50 per hour (October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023), $15 per hour (January 1, 2022, to September 30, 2022), and $14.35 per hour (October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021).


  • This rate is applicable to educational workers in Ontario who meet the requirements.
  • In the province of Ontario, the minimum wage for students is now $15.60 per hour.
  • Previously, the student minimum wage was $14.60 per hour (October 1, 2022, to September 30, 2023), $14.10 per hour (January 1, 2022, to September 30, 2022), and $13.50 per hour (October 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021).
  • The minimum that is now in effect for students will remain in effect until the 30th of September in 2024.
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Liquor servers:

  • Liquor servers in Ontario have the same minimum wage as general workers.
  • Therefore, the current minimum wage for liquor servers will be applicable up to September 30, 2024.

Hunting, fishing and wilderness guides:

  • The current minimum wage rate for these workers is $82.85 (less than 5 hours a day) and $165.75 (more than 5 hours a day).
  • Their wage rules differ from those of general workers, liquor servers, and students.
  • Wilderness guides typically engage in activities such as hiking, survival training, wildlife viewing, dogsledding, back-country skiing and snowshoeing, rock climbing, etc.


  • At this time, the minimum pay rate for those who work from home is $18.20 per hour.
  • This rate will be applicable up to September 30, 2024.
  • Information regarding the work, applicable minimum wage, previous wages, etc., for both specialized workers and general workers can be found on the Ontario Government’s website.

Additional rules apply to workers earning commission, those provided with room and board, and the three-hour rule. Each rule applies under different circumstances and for different types of workers.

Employers can ensure correct payment of the applicable minimum wage by providing room and board, which counts as wages only if the worker has utilized the room and received meals.

The amounts employers should pay are as follows:

  • Room: $31.70 (private) | $15.85 (non-private)
  • Meals: $2.55 (each meal) | $53.55 (weekly maximum)
  • Rooms and Meals (Weekly): $85.25 (private room) | $69.40 (non-private room) | $53.55 (non-private for domestic workers)
  • Harvest workers weekly housing: $99.35 (service housing) | $73.30 (unserviced housing)

When will Minimum Wage Increase in 2024?

The minimum wage in Ontario is annually adjusted based on inflation through indexation. Any changes to the minimum wage are typically announced on or before April 1 but take effect on October 1 of the same year.

If there is a change in minimum wage during a worker’s pay period, it is treated as two separate periods, with each period reflecting the applicable minimum wage.

Following the recent increase to $16.55 per hour, many workers in Ontario are now earning higher wages. This adjustment has positioned Ontario with one of the highest minimum wage rates across Canada.

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