Are You Eligible For $6638 Bill Passed in August 2024: Know Important Details & Payment Dates

Lately, there’s been a lot of talk about something called the “$6638 Bill,” passed in August 2024. People are saying it boosts benefits for programs like Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), and Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits. But before jumping to conclusions, it’s important to get the facts straight and clear up any misunderstandings.

The Reality of the $6638 Bill

Despite what you might have heard, there’s no official word from the Social Security Administration (SSA) or any other government agency about a specific $6,638 payment that would increase Social Security benefits for SSI, SSDI, or VA beneficiaries.

It looks like the information going around is either based on speculation or is just plain wrong. As of now, no such bill has been passed or announced.

What Does the $6638 Refer To?

The $6,638 amount might be related to a general budget or a misunderstanding about potential increases in benefits due to cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) or inflation.

While the Social Security Administration (SSA) regularly adjusts benefits to keep up with inflation, there hasn’t been any specific bill passed in August 2024 that would increase benefits by $6,638.

Ongoing SSA Benefits: What You Need to Know

While the $6,638 payment might not be real, people who receive SSI, SSDI, and VA benefits should stay informed about the usual procedures and any changes that could impact their payments.

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

SSI offers financial support to elderly, disabled, and low-income individuals to help with essentials like food, clothing, and housing. To qualify, you generally need to:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident.
  • Be 65 or older, or have a disability, with limited income and assets.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) helps people who can’t work because of a disability. To qualify, you need to:

  • Have a serious disability that fits the Social Security Administration’s standards.
  • Have worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes.

This program provides financial support to those who need it most.

Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) helps people who can’t work because of a disability. To qualify, you need to:

  • Have a serious disability that fits the Social Security Administration’s standards.
  • Have worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes.

This program provides financial support to those who need it most.

No Need for New Applications

If you’re already receiving SSI, SSDI, or VA benefits, you don’t need to reapply if there’s an increase in your benefits. Any changes will be automatically added to your payments.

For those who are new to these benefits or haven’t applied yet, just follow the usual application steps on the official SSA website at

SSI, SSDI, and VA Payment Dates for August 2024

Payment schedules depend on the kind of benefit and the recipient’s birth date. Here’s a simple breakdown:

ProgramPayment Date
SSI1 August 2024
SSDI2nd Wednesday (Birthdays 1-10): 14 August 2024
3rd Wednesday (Birthdays 11-20): 21 August 2024
4th Wednesday (Birthdays 21-31): 28 August 2024
VAThroughout August 2024, typically on the 1st or the last day of the month.

Fact Check on the $6638 Bill

Although a $6,638 bill might sound intriguing, it’s best to stick with reliable information.

The Social Security Administration (SSA) and other federal agencies are your go-to sources for updates on benefits. Always check their official sites before acting on any unverified news.

If you’re worried about changes to your benefits or want to know if there might be increases, regularly visit the SSA’s official website or reach out to your local SSA office. Keeping up with these official sources will ensure you get the correct information about your benefits.


Is there a $6638 bill that boosts Social Security benefits?

No, there’s no bill for that exact amount in August 2024.

Do I need to reapply if my SSI or SSDI benefits go up?

Nope, any increases will be automatically applied to your benefits without needing to reapply.

Where can I check my Social Security benefits status?

Go to the SSA’s official website at for the most accurate info.

When are SSI, SSDI, and VA benefits paid in August 2024?

Payments are spread out over the month, with specific dates based on the program and your birth date.

How can I confirm details about my benefits?

Stick to official sources like the SSA website or your local SSA office for the latest and most accurate information.

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