CPP Post Retirement Benefit (CPP PRB) – What Is It and How Much Will You Receive?

Planning for retirement is essential for ensuring you have financial stability in your later years. For Canadians, one important part of this planning is the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Post-Retirement Benefit (PRB). This benefit lets you continue contributing to your CPP even after you retire, helping to increase your financial stability. Let’s dive into what the CPP PRB is, who can get it, and how much you might receive.


The CPP Post-Retirement Benefit (PRB) is a monthly payment for people who continue working and contributing to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) even after they begin receiving their regular retirement pension. If you continue to work and contribute up to age 70, you’ll get extra payments from the CPP on top of your regular pension. This benefit ensures that any work you do after retiring is recognized and appreciated.

What is CPP PRB?

The CPP PRB (Canada Pension Plan Post-Retirement Benefit) has changed over time along with the CPP. It gets updated regularly to match changes in the cost of living and average income in Canada. The amount of CPP Post-Retirement Benefits (PRB) you receive depends largely on how much you contributed during your working years, particularly after you began collecting your CPP retirement pension.


To get the CPP Post Retirement Benefit (PRB), you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Other Pensions: You can still get your CPP PRB even if you’re already receiving pensions from the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) or other retirement plans.
  • Age: You should be between 60 and 70 years old.
  • Employment: You can be either working for someone else or running your own business.
  • CPP Contributions: You need to keep paying into the CPP even after you start getting your regular CPP retirement benefits.

Calculating Your CPP PRB Benefit

The benefit you get from the CPP Post Retirement Benefit (PRB) depends on how much you earned and contributed during any work you did after retiring. In 2024, the most you could receive each month was $40.25 if you were eligible. This amount is figured out based on the extra contributions you made after you started your retirement.

Example Calculation Table:

AgeContribution (%)Maximum Monthly Benefit (2024)

The table above shows how much you can contribute and the maximum monthly benefit you could get in return.

Retirement Income Calculator

The Canadian Retirement Income Calculator helps you figure out how much you can expect to receive from sources like CPP, Old Age Security (OAS), and other retirement funds. It takes into account things like whether you’re married, your overall financial situation, your monthly expenses, and your work history. Using this tool is a smart way to plan ahead and ensure you have enough money for your retirement.

Payment Details

In 2024, people who are 75 or older get an annual CPP PRB payment of $9,120.84. This amount doesn’t include other benefits like Old Age Security (OAS). When you add in OAS, the monthly total can go up to around $1,516.39. Plus, if you’re eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS), you might have a lower taxable income, which can help with your financial planning.

TFSA Contributions:

In 2024, the limit for Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs) went up to $7,000. You can use this account to save money for the future, investing in different options to make the most of your savings after you retire.

Payment Dates

In Canada, the government has set dates for CPP (Canada Pension Plan) payments throughout the year. For 2024, these payments began on January 27 and will continue monthly until November 28. The next payment will be made on December 20, 2024. It’s important for pensioners to keep track of these dates and reach out to the authorities if there are any problems with receiving their benefits.

To sum up, the CPP Post Retirement Benefit plays a crucial role in Canada’s retirement income system by offering extra financial support to those who keep working past the usual retirement age. By understanding who qualifies, how benefits are calculated, and when payments are made, Canadians can better plan for their retirement.


What is the CPP Post Retirement Benefit?

It’s a benefit for people who keep paying into the CPP even after they’ve started receiving their retirement pension.

Who can get the CPP Post Retirement Benefit?

Anyone between 60 and 70 years old who is still making CPP contributions.

How is the CPP Post Retirement Benefit figured out?

It’s based on the contributions and earnings you’ve accumulated after you retired.

When will I get my CPP Post Retirement Benefit payments?

They’re paid monthly, with the exact dates set each year.

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